hair Fall Treatement

Hairfall is a condition, which is also known as Alopecia and is known to include the aspect of thinning of hair as well. Genetics and hormones play a vital hair fall problem in both women and men. Few other factors are also responsible for hair fall.

Hair Growth Phases :

Hair Growth Divided into 3 phases, check out details below:

1. The anagen phase-active phase in hair growth. This phase lasts for 2-7 yrs

2. The second phase - catagen phase. This phase immediately follows the anagen phase. It lasts for around 10-14 days and the hair stops getting blood supply and this leads the hair to become dead. 3. The last phase is the telogen phase. It is a resting phase.

The entire cycle is repeated after the last stage and it continues. Every single hair undergoes this process

Causes or Factors of hair loss Problem :

1. Genetic factors 2. Skin diseases such as fungal infection, seborrhea (dandruff), tinea capitis, eczema of scalp and lichen planus, etc. 3. Nutritional deficiencies like iron (leading to anemia) and protein 4. Hormonal changes after childbirth, during menopause 5. Drugs in treating high blood pressure, cancer, joint pains or depression. Hair loss due to chemotherapy in a cancer patient is called as Anagen effluvium 6. General diseases like Tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, AIDS, Hypothyroidism 7. Auto-immune hair loss 8. Hairstyles and frequent usage of hair straighteners and hair colors. 9.Recovery from erysipelas and typhoid leads to diffuse hair loss 10. Physical trauma or injury to head 11. Emotional trauma - loss of a family member / close friend 12. Trichotillomania, -a mental disorder of the affected person voluntarily pulls out his / her scalp hair.

At Pramukh Skincare, Surat, we specialize in effective hair fall treatments designed to combat hair thinning and promote natural hair regrowth. Led by Dr. Ramesh Lavani, our clinic offers the latest and safest hair restoration

Why Choose Pramukh Skincare?

Expert care by Dr. Ramesh Lavani Advanced, safe & effective hair loss treatments. Thousands of successful hair restoration cases. Clinic Name: Pramukh Skincare, Surat Address-9,sarjan resi.,opp.haridarshan soc.,casway road, katargam,surat

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